Wednesday, September 13, 2017

A Job in Baseball (Maybe)

My recent cover letter I submitted along with my resume of 34 years military service in the slim hopes I can get a job at Luther Williams ball park here in Macon when Baseball returns in 2017!
Dear Macon Base Ball (2 separate words intended):


 I'm what you might call mature---I know you guys want the energetic young kids out of school, and hell, I don't blame you!

 Do you know how many people sent me a link to the jobs for the new Ball Team? OMG....why? because I am a 100% Macon Georgia Luther Williams Baseball loving American...with my experience comes a well-rounded well thought out common sense oriented individual who can accomplish any task assigned—

Some of my qualifications may not be listed in the resume, but will recap a few here:

 -My next door neighbor, Jack Gilbert, played on the Peaches and taught all the neighborhood kids how to play ball.

 - I saw Satchel Paige throw out the first pitch at Luther Williams back in 1980.

 - I got to sit in the recliners with my 4 year old son atop the dugout back in 1998 during the Macon Braves days; I had just been notified of being reassigned to Columbus, Ga., and thought my world ended if I had to leave Macon. Sitting in the recliners and watching the game with my son—are you kidding? I nearly wept.

- Fast forward to 2011, I watched my own son play High School ball at Luther Williams and he and I both had goose bumps for two and a half hours. I got to throw out the first pitch— a knuckleball, of course. I came to a crossroads of either weeping openly or soiling myself. Providence took over and I did neither, thankfully.
I don't care what the job pays! I will be the first one there and the last one to leave...

Besides, Old men, Base Ball, and kids go together. Let George Do It!

Regardless of the outcome of my resume, I am glad y'all are here in the greatest hometown of them all—I will see you at the game!

George L. Fisher

Macon Boy
Baseball Nut
Trained Killer (Retired)
Slayer of Dragons large and small

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