My recent cover letter I submitted along with my resume of 34 years military service in the slim hopes I can get a job at Luther Williams ball park here in Macon when Baseball returns in 2017!
Dear Macon Base Ball (2 separate words intended):
Some of my qualifications may not be listed in
the resume, but will recap a few here:
- Fast forward to 2011, I watched my own son play High
School ball at Luther Williams and he and I both had goose bumps for two and a
half hours. I got to throw out the first pitch— a knuckleball, of course. I came to a crossroads of either weeping openly or soiling myself. Providence
took over and I did neither, thankfully.
I don't care what the job pays! I will be the first one
there and the last one to leave...
Besides, Old men, Base Ball, and kids go together. Let
George Do It!
Regardless of the outcome of my resume, I am glad y'all are
here in the greatest hometown of them all—I will see you at the game!
George L. Fisher
Macon Boy
Baseball NutTrained Killer (Retired)
Slayer of Dragons large and small
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